Thursday, 2 July 2015

Think Revenge

Who doesn't want revenge
when he/she feels unfaired or
forgotten? All of us has the potential to become green with rage
like the Hulk in these circumstances. The main character Randy in the book Revengeful by author Andrew Clark did just that.  He even went to the very extreme when he started killing persons at random giving the policemen in Utica, New York "nuff" stress.

What would you have done if you were in Randy's shoes?

I completed this review on 24 March 2014. I gave it 5 stars and the author returned the favor by giving me 5 stars. His comment was:-
"Reviewer Valerie Rouse did an excellent job in reviewing my book.  She gave a potential reader enough information to give them an idea on what the book was about without giving away too many details".

Read my review below:-

Reviewed by  for Readers' Favorite

Revengeful by Andrew P. Clark is an action packed story based on the need to kill by the main character Randy Thompson. The scene is set in the home of Randy’s former boss Sam. Randy, assuming the pseudonym Tom in his dialogue with police detective Franklin Williams, created the sordid scene at Sam’s house. He placed the bodies of the persons he killed (including Sam) in the living room and literally set the crime scene for the policemen of the Utica Police Department to solve. From the dialogue that ensued between himself and the criminal, Franklin learned that all the killings were in fact based on personal vendettas that Randy had against the victims. As a result of losing his girlfriend who committed suicide after a miscarriage, Randy just snapped and began a spree of calculated killings to assuage his need for revenge. Mr. Clark revealed that Franklin tried his best to prevent the bombing of Sam’s home with the bodies inside. He literally raced against the clock to solve this mystery and find out “Tom’s” true identity.

Revengeful is a fast paced book that is gripping from beginning to end. I read the entire book in one sitting. I did not want to put it down! It is filled with suspense and it contains surprises within the plot for both the persona and the reader. Mr. Clark has done an excellent job in his descriptive detail of his characters, especially the two main ones - Franklin and “Phone Tom”. I appreciate the fact that Mr. Clark sought to portray the emotional sides of both characters. The criminal and the detective both felt revulsion at the atrocities that the child Vanessa suffered at the hands of her foster parents. The characters therefore seem more human. It was also interesting that Randy was trying to convince Franklin that they shared a few similarities. This is indeed ironic because what can a serial killer and a cop have in common? This twist also adds to the exciting, nail biting nature of the book. Throughout the book, the reader starts to wonder whether good would overcome evil in the final scenario. Revengeful is an excellent read and I believe that it could be developed into a compelling and crowd pulling movie.

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