Friday, 3 July 2015

What A Loss

Losing a loved one or even a pet can be emotionally crippling.  I know because I have been there.  Feelings of inadequacy can overwhelm you, you don't have an appetite for food, you might even question God as to why did this happen.

Pierced in the Heart: The Miracle of Healing After GRIEF and LOSS explores similar emotions.  Author Bonnie Brooks gives an in depth glimpse into her world when her mother committed suicide.  She was just five years old when this tragedy struck like a bolt of lightning.

This book is clearly an attempt to help others cope in difficult circumstances.  I completed this review on 25 March 2014.  I gave it 4 stars.  You can get a snippet of my review on or just read my complete analysis below.

Reviewed by Valerie Rouse for Readers Favorite

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Pierced in the Heart: The Miracle of Healing After Grief and Loss is a personal litany which relates the impact of grief on the author Bonnie Brooks.  What is so heart rending is that she lost both her mother and brother as a result of suicide.  Compounded with these tragedies is the fact that Ms. Brooks also felt like a failure after her marriage collapsed.  She revealed that in essence, she gradually built a wall around her heart to protect herself emotionally from any more hurt she might encounter via relationships.  This proved to be an error on her part because she had difficulty sharing in therapeutic group sessions.  Finally, this wall caved in and she was able to release all the pent up anguish, hurt, loneliness and other raw emotions that she had held inside for so many years.  Ms. Brooks was able to let the love of God into her once impenetrable heart and seek continuous medical and psychiatric intervention.

Ms. Brooks really spoke to my heart with her written words.  I can identify with her painful journey due to the fact that I have a family member who is going through a similar experience.  Ms. Brooks was effective in telling her story by punctuating each chapter with a Bible verse or an appropriate quote.  Her stark and vivid descriptive details of her childhood experiences resonated with me as a reader.  I like the way that she combined her experiences with words representing a conversation between God and herself.  This tactic creates a very intimate aura.  You feel as though it is just you and God having a quiet reunion within the book.  I appreciate the fact that Ms. Brooks did not hold anything back and revealed all of the emotions she felt in the various stages in her life.  Pierced in the Heart: The Miracle of Healing After Grief and Loss is an excellent book highlighting mental illness.  There is in fact a light at the end of the tunnel in respect of attaining help for persons who suffer from mental disorders

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