Sunday, 21 June 2015

A Long Break

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The Body Shop Canada

You may be wondering what a long break signifies.  When I did my first book review for Readers Favorite in 2013, I didn't do the second one until 26 Jan 2014.  First of all, I wasn't as serious about writing at that time.  One day the proverbial light bulb came on in my head.  Why not pursue this review writing and see how far it would go?

This second review is based on the book Choices Are For the Living by Michele Davenport. It is a christian book giving pointers on living a life for God. Here is my review:-

Reviewed by  for Readers' Favorite

Choices are for the Living is a practical book outlining how to live a Christian life. Ms Davenport gives a down to earth account of lessons her personal life has taught her. The book explains parts of the Bible that you would normally read and overlook. It forces you to be called to account as a soldier in Christ’s army. Her consistent comparison of Bible passages with real-life examples makes this an ideal handbook for life. It also contains useful exercises at the end of each chapter, which encourages deeper reflection and inspires us to take action as well. This book dictates that every person should take their walk with God more seriously. Being physically present at church is no longer acceptable; we are reminded that God sees our true intentions.

Choices are for the Living is fast paced; it challenges you. The tone is personal but not judgmental. The author's style of interjecting her narration with hard-hitting questions strips you naked just as you would imagine God sees you. Her no-holds-barred review of her personal life details envelops you, yet makes you really pause and think. This book is an exceptional reader’s item. Choices are for the Living really speaks to your soul and forces you to analyze your daily interactions with others, and ask yourself whether you have accomplished any positive outcomes recently. You even wonder what you can do to make life easier or more enjoyable for your family members, neighbors, or co-workers. It promotes inner reflection and it should be a fixture in every church pew worldwide.


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