Sunday, 28 June 2015

Make No Bones About It!

I must admit that I had a little difficulty in trying to decide how I would introduce this review today. The story is based on bones and not chicken or fish bones but human bones.

The book has its genesis in the Bible. The scripture that it covers is located in Ezekiel Chapter 37:1-14.  It is entitled Secrets of the Dry Bones: Ezekiel 37:1-14 -The Mystery of a Prophet's Vision.

 This christian book is written by Susan Rohrer. It is a book that can be used for devotions/study.
This novel is interspersed with Bible guides to assist you in the interpretation of the text itself.  

It doesn't contain any clinical messages about death or dying.  It is not a book that would make you scared or anything of the sort.  It conveys a spiritual perspective to the "valley of dry bones".  I actually makes you think more critically about life in general.  It also encourages you to take a different look at your experiences or difficulties that you encounter each day.  I completed this review on 19 March 2014. Here it is:-


Reviewed by  for Readers' Favorite

Secrets of the Dry Bones: Ezekiel 37:1-14 - The Mystery of a Prophet’s Vision by Susan Rohrer is an in-depth explanation of the passage of scripture about the valley of dry bones. On a spiritual level, Miss Rohrer is suggesting that each person must dig deeper and avoid looking at life’s events at face value. Her analysis of the hymn writer William Cowper is linked to the passage as well. 

In essence, Miss Rohrer is saying that even a published and renowned hymnologist had low or 'dry bone' moments in his life. This sojourn in the valley of dry bones should make us realize that we need to rely on God. The habitual practice of depending on God would help us in the trials of life. We would therefore avoid being in valleys of dry bones and would remain spiritually renewed.

Miss Rohrer’s analysis of Ezekiel 37:1-14 is presented in the format of a criminal case. This is an ingenious method and it really compels the reader to dig deeper and read on. On an intellectual level, you don’t even realize that you are reading about a scripture passage! I like the way that Miss Rohrer injects probing questions into the chapters. This allows the reader to relate to the book in a personal way. It also encourages accountability. Each person has to answer to God. 

According to Miss Rohrer, we should not allow our innermost desires to lead us astray. We must use the Word of God as a rudder to steer us in the right direction. Secrets of the Dry Bones: Ezekiel 37:1-14 - The Mystery of a Prophet’s Vision is an uplifting and interesting book. It really grips you and I recommend it to anyone who needs spiritual refreshment.


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