When your bouncing babies reach the teen years, parents have to regroup mentally and gear themselves to deal with lots of changes. Parents have to dodge mood swings, bouts of laughter; tolerate approve sleep overs, chaperone fetes and night club outings and the like. The teen years are chock full of uncertainties.
Author Andy Kerckhoff's book is geared for all parents especially those who might throw their hands up in the air. These adults might be saying to themselves "what should I do if my son is always on his Samsung 6 and doesn't take out the trash when I tell him to?" Personally, I can identify with these parents because I also have a teenager. However, my problem is not the phone itself, but the headphones! (having to repeat myself "nuff" times to be heard).
Mr. Kerckhoff's book entitled Critical Connection - A Practical guide to Parenting Young Teens is filled with excellent advice for adults who have the responsibility of raising teenagers to be responsible citizens. Critical Connection is actually a bestseller on Amazon. I reviewed this non-fiction novel on 3rd March 2014. here is my take on this insightful book:-
Critical Connection - A Practical Guide to Parenting Young Teens is a practical handbook designed to educate parents about good parenting. It is filled with examples of guidelines for daily living that are useful for navigating this confusing period in the lives of most teenagers. As a result of the onset of technology, mobile phones, video games and media on the whole seem to be taking over the lives of youngsters nowadays. Mr. Kerckhoff has suggested that parents must take a more active, supervisory role in their children’s lives and prevent a sedentary lifestyle from creeping in. Addiction to social gadgets can be preempted by creating a balanced lifestyle. For example, parents can encourage teens to go outdoors more often – involve them in activities like swimming, hiking or basketball. Their social, mental and psychological health must be maintained. In total, Mr. Kerckhoff revealed that parents should encourage their kids in all their endeavors. Teach them long-term skills like saving money and doing chores to prepare them for adulthood.
Mr. Kerckhoff’s work is an essential handbook for today’s world. I appreciate the fact that he divided it into two distinct components –connections and guidance. This is so important because as parents we sometimes believe that our children will heed our instructions without us forming that emotional bond with them. This connection is vital if we are trying to impart knowledge and useful tips to our children to help them navigate the storms of life unscathed. Mr. Kerckhoff has skillfully devoted chapters to basic areas of life like the importance of athletics, work ethic and so on. I also like his inclusion of certain Bible verses to elucidate his points. He uses simple language which most readers can understand. In addition, his down to earth approach makes Critical Connection – A Practical Guide to Parenting Young Teens an enjoyable and informative read for both parents and teenagers. It will surely educate those parents who are overwhelmed by the rapid mood swings and behavior that their teenagers exhibit.
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